Current read.
I love books and reads a lot but I can't cook.
I feel like a fake or a phony. I read a lot but that doesn't say much about me. When people told me I'm smart, I really can't agree with it. I thought, they must be off their rockers. Just because I read a lot doesn't mean I'm smart. Heck, I don't even know how to tell if a baked potato is already cooked or not. ( now that's pretty odd, eh?) Sometimes, when I need it most, common sense eludes me. And I am left floundering, amidst the mess I've always managed to create as a result.
You see, I'm no cook ( or should I say it, I'm useless in the kitchen) And to me, this is some huge "handicap". To think, I find myself in a line of work where I'm expected to know my way around, from slicing vegetables to mixing flour. I mean, no one would really give a shit if I read a ton of books if I can't whip up a decent meal, at least once in awhile. And I bet
AJ could not care less, if I read to her all the books in the "Harry Potter" series, if I ( her beloved aunt) can't put food on the table for her to enjoy. Of course, I'm sure she won't mind if we either go to
Jollibee or
McDonald's instead.
Probably, the only person who can tolerate my cooking.
I feel bad that when it comes to things that matters most ( like cooking ) I draw a blank. I am inept and obviously, lack real-life skills.
I have no social skills.
And I have no idea why. I just can't be around with people most of the time. I'm no recluse or something.
I can't speak my mind.
Most of the time, there are things or ideas I'd rather keep to myself than sharing it with someone. And it's not about trying not to "ruffle some feathers".
So much for my lament here. I know I'm not perfect and there's no point in trying to be one. Sometimes, accepting yourself is a far more easy thing to do than going through all the works of being perfect.
I can't change who I am even if I want to. And I really don't want to. Especially when it comes to the
"love for books and reading" part.
Reading will always be awesome. :-) And if it will make me smart, then all the more reason to keep at it.