I took one day ( that was yesterday) from posting something on my blog. I felt that I have nothing to write anyway. Since rediscovering my fondness for putting into words my thoughts on just about anything, I make it a point to at least post something on my blog everyday. Yesterday, there was really nothing. I mean I could not come up with anything to write about. I woke up past seven yesterday morning and when I turned on the TV, I was met with the news of the death of our former President Corazon Aquino. I was taken aback for a moment and I stared at the TV screen for awhile. "Tita Cory", as she was called by her friend and supporters, finally just bowed down from this life. There are a lot of things attributed to her especially the People Power in 1986. At that time, I was almost 10 years old. I remembered the L-sign (or Laban). I have only vague memories of that time in our history. Cory Aquino, until her death, remains a humble and unassuming individual. And she remained steadfast with her faith in God.

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