For most people, Saturday mornings are reason enough to lounge in bed longer than usual. It is during this time that some would like to catch up on their sleep and wake up later in the day.
Not me. My Saturday mornings are the same with any day of the week. I set my cell phone's alarm same time if I go out for a run. Like this morning, I woke up long before my alarm buzz off. I took a shower at once then dressed. Minutes later, I was already basking in the familiar smell of instant coffee ( my first mug, actually ), wafting around my room. I positioned myself on the chair and began turning pages of the latest book I'm into, John Grisham's The Appeal. That's how crazy I am when it comes to my reading. I woke up early on purpose just to read. One hour into my reading, I had my second mug of coffee. Another of my addiction.
After a while, my stomach growls, a signal for me, to start thinking about breakfast. I chance upon a site about preparing Instant Quaker Oats with various toppings ( yum). So, I decided to give a try this morning.
The taste and texture is quite different since I'm used to having my oatmeal with just Milo. It is good, though. I had fun, preparing it, considering my mediocre skills in the kitchen..:-)
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