Do you read book reviews? Do you let them change your mind about reading/not reading a particular book?
I read book reviews whenever I happen to come across one. Sometimes, I based my decision to read a particular book on it. But most of the times, I read a book review after I have read the book, so it served its purpose by validating toward my reaction after reading that book in particular. It can be good or bad.
There are times that I just read a book because I like it and just for pure entertainment. It doesn't matter to me what the review said about it.
Anyway, it's any one's call. I mean one book can have a glowing book review and all but when I read it, there's nothing in it for me ( at least to me, anyway)....
As I say in my post, I will read professional reviews before a book to find new books or to see if I want to buy or borrow a new book. For the most part, professional reviewers tend not to ruin the ending but give you enough of a taste to either make you want to read or to help me realize that said book isn't necessarily one I will enjoy. I also tend to look at several reviews and not just let one make up my mind (unless it's a recommendation by Stephen King, who seems to have a nose for finding good new books....though he's led me astray one time.)
I will read the social networking reviews after I'm done reading and had time to process my thoughts on the book. The big issue is that everyone has a different definition of what is a SPOILER and I want to find out the twists and turns myself....
I read reviews but I form my own opinions. Here's mine
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