Fall started more than a week ago. I didn't realize that I blow up the entire month of September without a single post. I practically bounce back and forth from being lazy to not being motivated enough to write. And I tell you it is not for lack of something to write about or time. I'm just being lazy. So, while I basked in a perpetual state of laziness, I can't help but take stock of what I've been up to for the past few months. Mind you, it is not mind-blowing stuff but it gets me off from the haze to come up with this post.

I didn't do anything too exciting this past spring, except run in my second marathon in Vancouver last May. Then I did the "Shawnigan Lake Adventure" in June. To sign up for races and actually do them is the only thing I can think of, that can be equated as "physically challenging". Then summer rolled in and everything was bright and hot. The days were longer and I enjoyed the early morning runs I did and I get to watch the sunrise on the side. I wasn't crazy about "staying out in the sun to get tan" though. Besides, I think I'm brown enough. I've been asked a few times how come I don't like being out there too much, when it was sunny, when I come from a tropical country. Oh well....
I get to watch a dragon boat race for the first time and eventually, get the chance to be on the boat and paddled, like crazy, as if my life depended on it. It was an awesome experience and to be out there, in the water was neat. I sure have a lot of respect for those dragon boat paddlers---it is no easy task. It is a hard workout that requires strength, dedication and commitment. And they get camaraderie and lots of fun in return. Not to mention toned arms and strong upper body.
The highlight of my morning runs during summer. Never fails to amaze me. :-)
As for my reading, it is still going, as I expect it to be. I mean, I don't see reading and my love for books as just a passing fancy in my life. They are a part of my life and will always be, as long as I'm still able to read---which brought this brief discussion with my sister, one day. I told her that if for some unfortunate circumstances, I'd be rob off of my mental faculties, I grant her authority to decide what she seem best for me. I don't see any point of plodding on if my mind is no longer there. This sound morbid but it is reality. We all die eventually, anyway.
Fall is one of my favorite time of the year. I love the play of colors on the trees. Sure it is cold and all, but then, that's part of it. And I like the way the dried leaves make the "crunch" sound when I step on them. Then there's Halloween and Thanksgiving. :-)
So anyway, I think this is all for now. Hopefully, I'd muster enough resolve to write a post or two, in the next few months. Now, I'd better get back to my reading. Otherwise, I'd be thinking about my upcoming "long run" and just the mere mention of it makes me sick.
Enjoy fall while it lasts because winter is coming.....