I begun my "fling" with books during my high school days. A classmate introduced me to the world of Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew. ( Strange though that Sweet Valley High never find its way into my must-read list). I devoured every book about the "detective" brothers I could find in the library at that time . But it was when my aunt gave me a novel entitled "The Hotel" by Arthur Hailey that really piqued my interest in reading. That was when my "love affair for reading started. After reading that particular novel, I was instantly hooked. I even asked my aunt if she had any other books for me to read. As it turn out she has. I've been reading since then. In between doing homework, I managed to squeezed in time for my reading. There was a time that I cried over one novel of Danielle Steel; forgo dinner just to finish Sidney Sheldon's "Doomsday Conspiracy and for one brief moment, contemplated on pursuing a career in law, after I read John Grisham's "The Rainmaker". With each book I finished, I crave for more. I did not necessarily settle for fiction. As I grow older, I ventured into reading nonfiction too. I am equally delighted with it. So delighted in fact, that I bought a book on photography worth almost a thousand. My biggest splurge. I already have several nonfiction books in my collection, thanks to my generous friend.
Reading has given me immense pleasure, besides for someone who thrive on being alone, its the perfect hobby(or whatever you may call it) for me.Nothing makes me drool more than anything but the display of neatly covered and arranged paperback or hard-covered books at National Bookstore( where I frequent), Fully-Booked and Powerbooks. Its always a sight to behold and every time I came to this places, I felt like a child inside a big toy store. And it is during these times that I am made painfully aware that I'm broke when I badly wanted to buy a book.( well, enough of my mawkishness) Just so you know, I rather prefer to be inside bookstores than out shopping for clothes and what not.....
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