I’ve been running ..err..in my case walking then eventually jogging, for a month now. I’ve been pretty consistent with my daily jaunts to the local high school oval track near my place. It can be daunting at times especially, the “waking up early in the morning” part but fortunately, I’m used to getting up at the crack of dawn so this is not a major adjustment for me, still I always rely on my cellphone-cum-alarm to jolt me out bed at exactly 3:30 AM daily. One thing I had to give up was staying up late way past my bedtime to catch late-night shows on TV. If have to jog the next morning, I make it a point to be in bed at 9 PM, more or less. Since I begun this new-found physical activity, I can say that, I’m hooked..so hooked that I signed up for the 33rd Milo Marathon this coming July 5, just over a week from now. I was very excited after I finally registered myself on the 5K race. Then days later, I was having some thoughts ( not second thoughts, of course, I’m still in for the race), I was starting to ask myself if I can really do it. I mean I’ve never been physically active for quite a long time now since I stop going to the gym ( hence, my weight gain and nickname, Kung Fu Panda). Well, the only way to find out, is to join the race and see for myself come July 5. Hopefully, I will finish the race not in totally bad shape and in under a reasonable time for a beginner like me….let’s see about that…
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