"Time is not a great healer. It is an indifferent and perfunctory one. Sometimes it does not heal at all. And sometimes when it seems to, no healing has been necessary."
Ivy Compton-Burnett
Ivy Compton-Burnett
With all the intricacies of life, we are always put in a position wherein we get hurt along the way. No matter how hard we may try to avoid disagreements, still we are caught in the vicious cycle of every day living. A loved one may have betrayed our trust; a close friend let us down; a goal that was not achieved and the list will go on. No one can say that he or she has never experienced pain. For how can we say that we fully lived if we just go through the motions, numb and dead to the world around us. Human as we are, we still manage to find a way to rise above all those emotional baggage that brought us down. We refused to wallow in defeat but we licked our wounds and try to put up a good fight.
Healing can be in any different forms for each and every one of us. For some, the passage of time, help them cope up with the pain and moved on. Unfortunately, some turn to drugs and alcohol to stifle all their pains, never realizing or refusing to recognize the fact that, once the effects of alcohol and drugs wears off, they're back to square one. Others experienced pain so much, that they are scarred for life and for them, the only way to assuage the hurt they had endure is to have revenge.
I have been hurt in my life, sometimes at my own doing. I have heard about the familiar line that says "forgive and forget". I can forgive but it does not mean I will forget all about it. I handle pain in the only way I know how----not caring and acceptance. For how can someone or something hurt me if in the first place, I am indifferent to them and I am aware of the fact that, in one way or another, someone or something out there is bound to hurt me. Some say, time heals all wounds. I don't really buy that. Time does not heal the wounds. It just make you think, that instead of wallowing in self-pity and grief, you accept it once and for all and move on.
Healing can be in any different forms for each and every one of us. For some, the passage of time, help them cope up with the pain and moved on. Unfortunately, some turn to drugs and alcohol to stifle all their pains, never realizing or refusing to recognize the fact that, once the effects of alcohol and drugs wears off, they're back to square one. Others experienced pain so much, that they are scarred for life and for them, the only way to assuage the hurt they had endure is to have revenge.
I have been hurt in my life, sometimes at my own doing. I have heard about the familiar line that says "forgive and forget". I can forgive but it does not mean I will forget all about it. I handle pain in the only way I know how----not caring and acceptance. For how can someone or something hurt me if in the first place, I am indifferent to them and I am aware of the fact that, in one way or another, someone or something out there is bound to hurt me. Some say, time heals all wounds. I don't really buy that. Time does not heal the wounds. It just make you think, that instead of wallowing in self-pity and grief, you accept it once and for all and move on.
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