Do you have friends and family to share books with? Discuss them with? Does it matter to you?
It's only my aunt whom I share my passion for reading, and why not, she was the one who encouraged me to take up reading and I'm glad she did. Whenever I read something interesting or great, I can't wait to share it with her and ask her to read it too. The same way goes with her.
I have this friend who has this extensive collection of books and come to think of it, I've read them all. While she on the other hand, has yet to find the time to read them.
With my participation in this weekly activity, I am drawn into discovering other genre that otherwise I have not known, if I am just to depend on what I personally read and what my aunt and I share.
I would have wanted to have a more people to share my readings with but somehow, I like it better this way. Reading is something I'd rather do on my own and maybe share it with someone on occasions.
I always want to share with my mom like you share with your aunt but it doesn't quite work out.
Here is my Booking Through Thursday.
I too wish I had someone to discuss my books with!
BTT: Discussion
Reading is a solitary experience and very subjective. I think it's a reason why I don't discuss books a lot. But I love disvussing food. :)
It's hard to find someone who shares you taste in books.
You can read my answer HERE
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