Name a book or author that you truly wanted to love but left you disappointed. (And, of course, explain why.)
From my constant "channel-surfing" on TV, months ago, I chanced upon the movie on HBO, "The Jane Austen Book Club". My interest was piqued. I even got to the extent of jotting down all the novels of Austen and silently told myself to read them all, like what the characters did in the movie. I've heard of Jane Austen and how she was hailed as a great classical author and all.
True enough, I bought my first novel of Austen, which was "Mansfield Park" . I started reading it diligently at first but later on, I got lost with the story. I tried to keep at it until halfway but I stopped. I never finished reading the book. I really would have wanted to finish reading all her books but I can't just get my way around to it. I wondered how it become considered as a classic anyway.
To all Jane Austen fans out there, no offense intended. I guess I need to work on broadening my horizon when it comes to Austen. Probably in time, I will be able to tackle her head on. For now, I set my sights on other books, of which are somewhat easy for me.
I've always meant to read one of her books but never have.
Jane Austen is definitely not for everyone. And it took me several tries before I came to really love her books. But I hope you give her a second chance someday!
Jane Austen can be a tough read for some. It is kind of like Shakespeare for some people he just "Clicks" and some people don't get him unless his work is reworded. Jane Austen was a one-of-a-kind author in her time, don't give up set it down and go back after another time it will be worth it!
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