I'm lucky to get hold of "The End of Your Life Book Club" by Will Schwalbe, when it was fairly new and just released this year. Not that I'd mind reading this later or next year. I found this book at the Chapters website where I frequent, to look for new books to read. I perused its summary and decided I like to read it. I put a request for it at the library and I'm glad I didn't have to wait that long.
I'm not going to write a book review because until now, I don't know how to write one. And I feel that I don't do justice to it, anyway.
What I love about this book is the way the author shared his and his mother's passion about books and reading. And the impact it has in their respective lives. Through the course of reading this, I can't help but wish that Tiya ( my aunt in the Philippines ) is here, so we can share books and talk about them. One day, I brought up this subject ( you know, sharing books and reading ) to my sister, she pointedly told me to leave her out of "it".
"That's one of the things books do. They help us talk. But they also give us something we all can talk about when we don't want to talk about ourselves."
I remember the lady that I used to look after and work for before. She passed away a few months ago. One thing that made us hit it off from the start, I believe, is books and reading. ( Well, there's the crossword puzzle too. She got me started with it and now, I'm hooked. ) During the time, I lived with her, we've shared books and talked about them. She suggested books that I should read, which I did and found them great and enjoyable. ( My favorites: Roots by Alex Haley; A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry and The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay ). I let her read whatever books I got from the library that I thought she might like and she did enjoy them too. We both cried over "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. Sometimes, I think about those times, when we just hang out and read in companionable silence.
Looking back now, I realized that, without both of us intending to, we started out our own book club too. However short-lived it was. Of course, at that time, we didn't think about someone dying or something, instead we look forward to more years ahead of us and more books to read. After she died, I stopped reading for awhile. I just didn't feel like it. Later on, I started writing diligently on my journal and found my way back to reading again. She once told me that I should write something about my life, especially coming to and living in a foreign country and leaving my family behind. I was taken aback, since no one ever suggested that to me before and I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind, "Yes, I will. And you'll be the first one to read it."
"The End of Your Life Book Club" afforded me that glimpse, to know what it feels like to have someone, to share with your "love" for books and reading. Although, I really don't mind, if there's no one to share books with and reading, for that matter.
Sometimes, just for the heck of it, I teased my sister about how I wish she like books and reading too, or start telling her about a book I've read or currently reading, I love seeing her "Please, don't talk to me about that." look.
Anyway, if ever you get the chance to read "The End of Your Life Book Club", hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did. But if not, that's alright too. :-)
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