I read a chapter about Psychiatry and I'm relieved to learn that being an introvert is not a personality disorder. I've read a few articles about introversion online and I find that some of the things introverts do at great length to avoid people or recharge their batteries are quite funny. I'm not at the point yet, where I have to hide in the bathroom just to avoid talking to anyone. The first time I've heard the word introvert was, I think when I was in high school. Back then, it sounded odd to me and sort of reinforced my deep-seated suspicion that there must be something psychologically wrong with me. As a kid, I was not the type that needed to be always around with other kids, to be entertained. I used to play with these paper cut-outs of people (which I made myself ) and created a monologue while I play with them. One day, when my grandmother heard me talking to myself, it prompted serious concern from her. She must have thought I was going cuckoo. At her behest, my mother kept a close watch on me for a day and when she was satisfied that I’m perfectly sane, they left me alone.
I often wonder why I can’t just be like others who seem to have always something to say about everything there is. Growing up, I was told that I’m shy and have no people skills or personality and that I wouldn't amount to anything. Like, how I’m supposed to get anywhere if I don’t know how to talk to people. One time, when I used to live in a dormitory, one of the girls made a comment that I am autistic. Of course, she didn't say it to my face. I wondered what made her come up with that remark, then I realized later on, that it was because I don't hang out with their group and make small talk. On another occasion, I was told I'm anti-social, for the same reason.
I used to be bothered when I heard comments about me being shy or quiet. I feel uncomfortable when attention is directed at me. Sometimes, I wish I'm invisible, so then no one will notice me and I'm spared from replying to questions like, "Why are you so quiet?" or "Are you okay?" Early on, I know I'm different. Not weird different, just different. And I'm okay with it. But the thing is, I have to be out there so I need to adjust and compromise, when necessary.
"Don't underestimate me because I'm quiet. I know more than I say, think more than I speak and observe more than you know." - Michaela Chung
For some reasons, I do try to fit in. But I can’t just bring myself to talk just for the sake of talking. I prefer to observe and listen. And I can be a good sounding board too. But just because I'm quiet doesn't mean I don't know how to talk or don't want to talk. Given the right topics, probably I'd talk for hours until someone will tell me to shut up.
"What a commentary on our civilization, when being alone is considered suspect; when one has to apologize for it, make excuses, hide the fact that one practices it like a secret vice!"- Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Some people think that if you’re quiet, it’s either because you’re dumb or shy or whatever word they can come
up with. Or socially inept. I don't really think that I'm quiet. I mean, it's not something I put on or take off, like a piece of clothing. Or some sort of mechanism that I can switch on or off. It's part of me. It is me. To pretend otherwise is pointless and detrimental to my well-being.
Yes, I like to be alone, most of the time and do whatever it is I love doing, like read a book or do the crossword or watch TV. But from time to time, I like some company too. I don't mind hanging out with my sister ( which we don't get to do much ) even if we always end up at the mall because its her "favorite" place. Or go for a hike with Rita and Janet. Or go to the book club meeting. ( Its like killing two birds with one stone, socialize and talk about books. Or should I say, four birds, counting the wine and all the food.)
So anyway, in the off-chance that you see me, staring out into space or have this zoned out look in my face, pay it no mind because I do it often. There's just a lot of stuff going on in my head. And it's just me, being me. :-)