Thursday, February 10, 2011

...first time...

Since I can't be without a book for long period of time, I make it a point to have one handy. I have put my library card to good use. The library is now one of my "favorite place on earth" aside from the bookstore of course.

Last week's visit to the library resulted in three books. From Anne Rice, Nora Ephron and Clive Cussler. I've read three books of Cussler before so I thought I could read another one. I've heard about Anne Rice, especially from the "Interview with the Vampire" fame but never actually read her books. I figured I could start now and read her works so I picked "Of Love and Evil". Nora Ephron is another story. I saw her on The View and I never realized that she's a writer. And someone told me that she writes well too. Actually, I borrowed "I Feel Bad About My Neck..." for a friend and after she finished it, I got into it too. And enjoyed it.
 Anyway, I never expect to encounter the mention of God in Anne Rice's Of Love and Evil. No that there's something wrong with it. I like it though.
" Remember this. Talk to God. No matter how you're feeling, no matter what you're facing, no matter what happens to hurt you, or disappoint you or confuse you. Talk to God. And never stop talking to Him. Realize that because things go bad in this world, because they go well, because they come easy or they come with difficulty, well it doesn't mean that He is not here. Talk to Him. No matter how many years pass, no matter what happens, always talk to Him."

With "I Feel Bad About My Neck..." comes another phrase that somehow sum up what I feel about reading. Nora Ephron put into words what I can't do for myself and I thank her for that.
" Reading is one of the main things I do. Reading is everything. Reading makes me feel I've accomplished something, learned something, become a better person. Reading makes me smarter. Reading gives me something to talk about later on. Reading is the unbelievably healthy way my attention deficit disorder medicates itself. Reading is escape and the opposite of itself; it's a way to make contact with reality after a day of making things up, and it's a way of making contact with someone's else imagination after a day that's all too real. Reading is grist. Reading is bliss."

Reading is bliss indeed. :-)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

...are you a "bibliobibulus" ?...

What is a bibliobibulus? Someone who reads too much.
An awesome reading experience ever. :-)
Is there such a thing as too much reading? I have no idea what brings this question to mind. One morning, over coffee, the thought just popped out of nowhere. I'm guessing maybe it's from the sort-of resolution I wrote in my blog, that thing about listing down all the books I will read this year. So far, I got six already.

I'm thinking probably, this is what makes me so antsy, to read almost everyday. I'm not sure. So I wonder if out of this activity, I get "overdosed", for lack of a better word.

On various occassions, I get lost in what I'm reading at any given time. Whenever I fnished a book it felt like I've lost something. I can't be without a book for a long time. Reading is something very personal to me. And I hope it will stay that way.
 From an editorial I chance upon, one morning.
For some people, reading is viewed as a boring activity, especially for those who are not into it. I have been asked more than once, why I love it ( reading, I mean). I always give the same answer. I love the feel of books and being transported to places I could only imagine. I also have my fair share of weird looks when sometimes, I get so animated with what I read and want to share it with someone and only get, a blank face in return. I can tolerate a mall if there's a bookstore in it somewhere. I remember once when I visited my sister in Vancouver and we went to MetroTown. After a few minutes of walking around, I got so tired and sat down on one of the bench.  In the end, I seek refuge in a nearby Starbucks and slowly sipped my iced latte, while my sister went on with her "window shopping".

There were times that I declined my aunt's invitation to go out and prefer to stay at home and read. Frankly, I'm happier with a book than with a bunch of people I hardly know, unless it is "extremely necessary" to be with them. Then in that case, I have no choice.
 Running-related reading from the library.
Nowadays, there are advocacies for reading. Parents are encouraged to read to their kids at a young age, some even before they are born. I grew up with no one reading bedtime stories to me. Still, I love reading just the same. I can't remember the exact time when I really get into it. But even then, I've always been fascinated with stories. Fortunately, I have an aunt who make up for what my parents were not able to do. My aunt is an awesome storyteller. And she loves to read too. Most of all, she's the one responsible for my "reading" addiction and for that I will always be grateful.
 For the first time, I managed to read one article in this magazine about Timbuktu. Hmm..

So anyway, are you a "bibliobibulus"?