..." the only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes...."
Friday, July 31, 2009
...just them...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
...what I love but can do without...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
...book in waiting...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
...soaking in the sun after a run...
Jingle and Fritzie were relegated to the task of grilling the meats and fish for our lunch grub. They were good at it actually and I can only watch in anticipation because I was really hungry at that time( I was already seeing daggers from hunger. Joy bought me a siopao to stave off the hunger pangs that was persistently nagging at me but after one bite, I had to put it aside, it did nothing to sate me) Eventually, we got to eat lunch and I was a happy camper once more. There were lot of talks going around in our table while we ate and the same time took turns in chugging a mixture of vodka ( The Bar vodka), Sprite and ice. It was okay. Our conversation ranged from FarmTown( take note); Bing-bing's( my cousin) boyfriend, Josh and just about anything we could come up.

Thursday, July 23, 2009
...the thing is...

...just visiting...

AJ came here for a short visit. Its been two months since I last saw her. She slept beside me for two nights and we had to watch cartoons before she finally decided that she's ready for bed. When I woke up early this morning for my usual jog, I was surprised to hear some sounds in my room when I came back from the shower. When I got out of bed, she was still sound asleep and when I came back, the TV was on and there she was, watching cartoons in DisneyChannel. Good thing that she was awake already because they had had early trip back home. I accompanied her to the bathroom and let her brushed her teeth and we went back to my room to let her dressed. I gave her a coin purse and inserted some coins and 20 peso bill. She asked me how much does it cost for a Jollibee meal( its her favorite). Probably she was wondering if the 20 peso bill I gave her would be enough. I helped her carry their bags since her mother ( my sister) has her hands full with AJ's baby brother. When they were inside the taxi, I just waved goodbye to her. I was thinking of giving her a kiss but I was preoccupied with settling their bags on the front seat and when I was done, she was already inside. And off they went. It seemed like she was not here...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
..."are you lonesome tonight?"...

I'm a fan( though I've only read of his book entitled "The Alchemist", thanks to a friend) of Paulo Coelho in Facebook and I came across his forum on loneliness. So I come up with my thoughts on being alone or loneliness ( I'm not sure if they are the same thing).
For my part, I have no problem being alone ( except of course, if I am left alone some place in the middle of nowhere and its dark, then I go crazy). I thrive on being alone. Sometimes, I think that I am made this way because I am meant to be just alone( and I don't say that with a a sad note). It's no big deal if I am alone all the time. I can go on for days without talking to any single soul---except, probably for those perfunctory conversations I have to make when I have to go outside and need to do some tasks. Loneliness is not something I view as some dim prospect for myself. On the contrary, I welcomed it wholeheartedly. Sure, there are times that I feel that I need to talk to someone about nothing in particular but then, it rarely happens. I'm not the type who can easily open up to someone. Probably it is for this reason that I'm not into relationship, for to be in one, you will never be alone. There's always this other person who expects something from you.
I love being alone because I don't have to go to the rigor of being sociable. I don't have to put up pretenses of enjoying someone's company. For some, this might look as odd. But then, we have our own quirkiness and mine just happen to be this. One might ask if I do ever get lonely, frankly, I don't even know how that feels....
Monday, July 20, 2009
...picture perfect...

1. “ You don’t take a photograph, you make it. - Ansel Adams
2. “ Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst. – Henri Cartier-Bresson
3. “ Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph. – Matt Hardy
4. “ Nothing happens when you sit at home. I always make it a point to carry a camera with me at all times…I just shoot at what interests me at that moment. – Elliott Erwitt5. “ Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow. – Imogen Cunningham
6. “ You’ve got to push yourself harder. You’ve got to start looking for pictures nobody else could take. You’ve got to take the tools you have and probe deeper. – William Albert Allard
7. “ If I saw something in my viewfinder that looked familiar to me, I would do something to shake it up. – Garry Winogrand
8. “ I always thought good photos were like good jokes. If you have to explain it, it just isn’t that good. – Anonymous
9. “ Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop. – Ansel Adams10. “It can be a trap of the photographer to think that his or her best pictures were the ones that were hardest to get. – Timothy Allen - On editing photos
( NOTE: from Digital Photography School)
My foray into photography was out of curiosity and to keep record of some significant moments in my life and my family's. I never cared before about the technical side of it, all that mattered to me was that when I pressed down the shutter, I captured the picture. ISO, aperture, shutter speed, noise, etc. were alien terms to me. With the advent of digital photography and my access to a dslr camera, I was enthralled to a whole new world of taking pictures. Pressing down the shutter is no longer enough. I'd spent countless times in front of the computer searching for more information about digital photography. I even went to the extent of buying a book on the subject. This is another hobby I would like to indulge more if my means permits me because it can be costly too....
..another run...

Saturday, July 18, 2009
...move with air...
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I lay still for a moment, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness. Slowly, I got out of bed and switched on the light. I was still sleepy. I fought the urge to get back to bed for fear of waking up late already. I hurriedly took a shower and dressed afterward. I took a couple of gulps of my energy drink to washed down the multi-vitamin I popped into my mouth.
Fast forward to STC. We arrived at the place thirty minutes past 5 AM. We sat for awhile on an empty bench then proceeded to the starting line. People were milling around the place doing all sorts of warm-up. I stayed on a nearby hallway and did some stretches while Joy went to look for a bathroom. The race has not started yet but I was already sweating profusely. We snapped a few pictures ( for proof?). Joy walked over to her schoolmate in high school and I took their pictures. I was getting impatient since it was already 6 AM. Then minutes later, the 3K runners started running then after another 5 minutes or so, we were off. At least, we got to jog slowly as we went down then off to the streets. I raised my hat off to Joy ( my running buddy) whom had a good start. During the race proper, I had to take a lot of walk-breaks because I got cramps on my side just a few meters from the starting line. It was kind of hard to breathe properly. We managed to finish the race but our time was longer than we had at the Milo Marathon. Joy would have finished it ahead of me but she also slowed down when I stopped. It was nice of her to keep up with me. What are running buddies for..:-)
...hours away...

I obligated myself to have a 2 days rest since yesterday for my 5k race tomorrow( I think I'm beginning to like joining races, a lot to be said about the build-up of anticipation pre-race..) I am aiming to tackle another 5K at less than the time I had at the Milo Marathon. Hopefully, I will be able to do so. So far, the pain on my right leg has been partially keep at bay since I resorted to painkiller. I know come tomorrow, the pain will rage on again at full force ( hopefully, it won't). I like nothing better than to run tomorrow at my target pace and at least, pain-free ( I'm not sure if this is possible, with any luck, the pain will manifests itself only after the race, as if I can't control it). Its roughly 13 or 14 hours to go till race time. I'm hoping I will get to sleep easily tonight unlike what happened the night before my first 5k race. It was unpleasant and getting enough sleep is imperative..
Thursday, July 16, 2009
...get ready...
For 200 pesos worth of registration fee, we got the singlet and some sachets of products from several sponsors, which is kind of cool. ( though, I don't personally use any of this..)
...not a movie review...
Watching the opening scenes of the movie transported me into another place and time wherein Death Eaters wreaked havoc on the Muggles' world---an occurrence signifying the return of he-who-must-not-be-named---Lord Voldemort, Harry's long-time nemesis.It felt like I was flying with them. The special effects are really cool. On other matters, you can't really expect for the movie to be exactly the same with the book. Some adjustments had to be made for a hundred or so worth of pages to fit in an almost three hours movie. Still, it met my expectations. It was all worth the long wait. Harry, together with his friends, never fails to leave me dumbfounded ( well, I can't speak for anyone especially those who haven't heard of Harry) and I'm looking for forward to the final part, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...
...other life lessons from Harry Potter...

What We Can Learn from Harry Potter
By Laura Sheahen
The megapopular Harry Potter books don't touch on religion, but they do reflect a consistent moral framework. Like most children's books, the series teaches lessons many religions would agree on: Don't kill, don't lie, and so on. But beyond that are more subtle life lessons that can help kids--and adults--navigate relationships, disappointments, and loss.

No one would deny that the series' obvious villains--Voldemort, Draco Malfoy, and arguably Snape--are dangerous. But it's the conceited secondary characters--like Gilderoy Lockhart, Percy Weasley, and Cornelius Fudge--who often do just as much damage as the true bad guys. Their self-satisfied bumbling leaves Harry and his friends exposed to the basilisk, an impostor Mad-Eye Moody, and Voldemort himself.
In the sixth book, Harry was wise to steer clear of the status-seeking Professor Slughorn, who wants to draw Harry into his clique. In Harry's world as in real life, serious evildoers are always a threat, but stuck-up people wreak plenty of havoc.

Stay True to Your Nerdy Friends
From the moment Harry first met hapless, round-faced Neville Longbottom (who was searching for his lost toad), he's been kind to the timid Gryffindor. Harry has been loyal to daffy Luna Lovegood and to Dobby, the often irritating and unconventional elf. And Harry defended his best friend Ron Weasley when everyone else was furious with him for his poor Quidditch skills. All these characters have stuck by Harry in his hour of need, in some cases saving his life. The lesson: No matter how tiresomely they rave about Crumple-Horned Snorkacks or make you examine plants that squirt Stinksap, don't disown your true friends.

Realize That Your Family Is More Important Than You Think
Ron Weasley's brothers overshadow him, and his parents often embarrass him. Neville Longbottom's grandmother is starchy and dictatorial, and his parents have been driven insane by Voldemort's followers. Harry's aunt, uncle, and cousin actively oppress him--and his parents are dead. Yet for all three boys, family holds the key to mysteries. Ron's parents and brothers are in the Order of the Phoenix, protecting Ron and Harry in ways they learn only late in book five.
Neville's parents were also in the Order, and he has a strange connection to Harry--he was born in the same month. Harry's parents died to save him, yet live on in important ways (see Lesson 6). And his horsey, nasty Aunt Petunia is grudgingly part of a secret blood spell protecting him from Voldemort. In other words, even when we feel distant from our families, they may be helping us in ways we don't know.

Speak Your Pain
Harry's refusal to share his fears and feelings, or ask for help, once seemed like a frustrating tic. In the past few books, however, it's become clear that it's his tragic flaw--one of Shakespearean proportions. In the early books, it's worrisome when he doesn't alert Dumbledore that his scar is hurting; if he did, the powerful Hogwarts headmaster might know when Voldemort is plotting something. In "Goblet of Fire," it's maddening when Harry doesn't tell Neville that he needs a way to survive under water, since Neville knows about a plant that makes humans grow gills. And in "Order of the Phoenix," it's heartbreaking to contemplate the alternate future lost when Harry doesn't use Sirius' mirror to talk to his godfather--or warn him of danger.
In every case, Harry would have saved time, trouble, and maybe even a life if he had opened up to those who care about him. In each book, despite the rising stakes, he thinks that he'll just worry people or that they won't be able to help him anyway.
Assuming he knows how people will react--and hiding the truth in a misguided attempt to protect them--is Harry's great failing. When Harry does talk to his friends, they often are able to help him (as when Professor Lupin teaches him to repel dementors) or allay his fears (as when Ginny reassures Harry that he couldn't have been possessed by Voldemort). But when he keeps secrets, Harry makes himself and others miserable and more vulnerable.

Don't Fear Death...
"There is nothing worse than death," says Voldemort in book five. "You are quite wrong," Dumbledore replies. "Indeed, your failure to understand that there are things much worse than death has always been your greatest weakness." Death is what Harry's nemesis most fears; his thirst for immortality drives all his actions, from seeking the sorcerer's stone to stealing Harry's blood for a revivification potion. Calling themselves Death Eaters, Voldemort's followers use the Dark Arts to feed off other people's pain and death and grow stronger. The Dark Lord's followers may think they have power over death. But in reality, all of them are trying to prolong their own lives by gruesome and selfish means. In the books, characters who try to escape death turn into moral monsters (or, in less extreme cases, into laughable ghosts--like Nearly Headless Nick and Professor Binns). Characters who are willing to die for others--like Harry, his parents, Ron, and Dumbledore--often save themselves or their friends. As Dumbledore says, death is not something to be feared and dodged at all costs, but "the next great adventure."

...Because Love Is Stronger Than Death
The deaths in the Harry Potter books are heart-wrenching and ever present; Cedric, Harry's parents, Sirius, and Dumbledore are not forgotten. Death changes those left behind: Harry hears his parents in visions and sees them in the Mirror of Erised; Luna and other bereaved students can see thestrals, beasts invisible to their luckier friends; Dumbledore's phoenix sings a strange new song of lament.
But the dead are never really gone. As Harry grieves Sirius, Luna reminds him of the mysterious murmurs behind the veil in the Department of Mysteries, reassuring him that they'll see their loved ones again. And Harry's dead parents actively protect him--his mother through the lasting power of her self-sacrificing spell, his father as the patronus Prongs. Dumbledore's spirit, too, may live on as a portrait in the headmaster's office, watching over Harry and the school. Though no longer with Harry in the flesh, their love continues to guide and guard him as he prepares for his final showdown with Voldemort.
NOTE: I still got this from Beliefnet. I finally did watch the movie. It was worth the long wait. Thumbs Up.....
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
...life lessons from Harry Potter...

By Sherry Huang
As we have written before, there's no denying Harry Potter books teach important lessons on love, loyalty, friendship, acceptance, and empathy, but beyond these are other lessons equally as important that teach us about understanding and not judging others, acquiring knowledge, and letting go. Almost every moment and every character provides a spiritual and moral lesson to guide us in our everyday lives.
Everyone remembers the first time Harry fell for Cho. Even though that attraction soon fizzled, if Harry hadn’t first opened himself to the possibility of love with Cho, he might have missed falling in love with Ginny. He might have dismissed his true feelings instead of acknowledging them. The rest is history because, as we all know, Harry and Ginny get married and live happily ever after with 3 children.
So open your heart and your mind to the possibility of love. Don't let anything else distract you from it. Learn to take some chances and to give love to others first. You never know—love may really find you when you least expect it.

Don't Judge Someone Based on the Past
Admit it, you hated Snape just as much as Harry and everyone outside of Slytherin did, especially after he killed Dumbledore. But then you discovered more about Snape's past and learned that he had truly been transformed by his love for Lily and her death. He had even been ordered to kill Dumbledore, by Dumbledore himself. This meant Snape had courage to understand the bigger plan and to fight for the greater good. Snape’s horrible past may have influenced who he became, but it didn’t dictate what his actions would become.
It’s important, then, not to write someone off based on the past. We all have a past, some riddled with moments we’d rather forget or erase, and our own past should remind us not to judge others based on theirs. The past makes us who we are today, but that doesn’t mean it will make us who we are tomorrow.

All Knowledge IS Power
Luna Lovegood is the source of all fascinating and bizarre knowledge—though, some of her strange Quibbler-isms may be more fiction than fact. Still, Luna’s random, “useless” cache of information often came in handy to help Harry. Luna first told Harry about thestrals and suggested they be called upon during a crucial hour. Plus, she later helped lead Harry to the Ravenclaw horcrux.
While it’s always important to know “meaningful” knowledge, paying attention to “meaningless” details is also important. What you thought was insignificant may turn out to be the most significant thing you needed to know. Being conscientious and aware of the world around you can transform your life. You never know when something you almost missed or dismissed can come back to help you in a big way.

Never Underestimate Someone
One of Voldemort’s weaknesses was his inability to accept Harry as a powerful wizard worthy of fighting and defeating him. Yet, because of the prophecy, Voldemort chose Harry and, in essence, chose him to be his equal. Plus, they both had wands with feathers from the same bird. Since Voldemort refused to acknowledge Harry as significant, he underestimated Harry’s intelligence and strenth. We all know what happened in the end.
Just as you should never judge someone by their past, you should never underestimate someone—they may reveal a side of themselves that may end up bring some unexpected (good and bad) moments in your life.

Sometimes, It’s Ok to Give Up
When Harry, Hermione, and Ron began their search for horcruxes, they let the urgency to complete the mission distract them from organizing a solid plan. They wasted more time arguing than looking. While they should have asked for help, they should have also known when to give up and approach the search from another angle.
The lesson here isn’t to give up when the going gets tough; it’s to know when to give up and admit defeat when you have tried everything you can do. If you’re facing a tough and difficult situation, don't let it exhaust you to the point where all your efforts actually prolong the problem and waste your resources. Instead, if you can, ask for help or step back for a few moments to clear your head and approach the situation from a fresher perspective. Things will work out in the end.

Learn to Let Go and Move Forward
Harry and Ginny are on Platform 9 ¾, sending their children to Hogwarts, when Harry and Draco see each other. Instead of challenging each other to a wand duel, they acknowledge each other briefly through eye contact and subtle nods. Both have learned to let go of their childhood hatred for each other. Although they have not become friends and will probably never like each other, they are no longer enemies. Instead, they have accepted each other to co-exist peacefully in separate spheres.Just as it’s important to know when to give up, it’s also important to know when to move forward. If there is a situation that isn't working out, something that is consuming your thoughts, or someone you are having difficulty reconciling with, make a conscious effort to let go. There are times when it’s just healthier to move on from the past and look ahead to the future.
NOTE: I came across this article from Beliefnet and while reading it, I could not help but nod my head in agreement. It is for this reason that I was drawn to the Harry Potter series more so than in any book series that have been eventually adapted for the big screen. Can't wait to watch it later...:-)
...a good run..( i mean )..jog day...

It did not sit well with me that I missed my morning jog yesterday. Much worse, I even blamed it on the rain which was beyond my control, anyway. I almost missed it again this morning because I just turned off my alarm after it beeped its usual sound. Good thing, I was able to woke up again thirty minutes later. I hastily took a shower, dressed and drank down my power drink ( it was Aktivade this time, I'm not sure of the spelling). For this week, I chose to forgo the banana, change in the routine, I suppose.
When we got to the track, we did the usual warm-up but I extended it for another lap. When I started jogging, my feet felt funny, it was as if I was limping and it felt like my one leg was shorter than the other, funny indeed. The pain was there again and it seemed like it wasn't going away. I plodded on, beads of perspiration started to materialized on my forehead and I noticed that I breathed fine, meaning I was not gasping for air. I jogged for five laps straight without taking any walk-break in between. After that, I stopped for a few gulps of water then proceeded to walk for another two laps. Subsequently, when I recovered, I started to jogged again for another four laps, then decided to head home. I drank the remaining contents of my water bottle and the water was like manna to my parched mouth. We did a few stretches. Joy mentioned that her legs were sore, I guess that was a good thing.
I was quite satisfied with what I accomplished this morning( in terms of my jogging). I was making up for the lost time. And I think I'm beginning to get the hang of this....by now, I should be..:-)