As I was channel-surfing(is there such a term?) this morning, I came across the replay of the TV show TalkBack in ANC( Channel 20). Talk shows are not really my thing, so I proceeded to changed channels until I went back to it . It was at this time that I noticed the title of this episode which was flash on the TV screen "it's the 'marry month' of June, why are you still single?". I surmised that it was aired last month, hence the part of the title "marry month"of June, but what really caught my attention was the rest of the title, the statement or should I say, the question "why are you still single?" That put me on hold for a moment and thus made me watch the show ( too bad, I already missed half of it).
Why, indeed, am I still single? Is it because, I'm so ugly that a prospective BF will not be proud to show me off ( or as my sister would say "dili masuroy og plaza"); or because I'm so fat that he will be hesitant to take me out to dinner because I might destroy one of the chairs in the restaurant( remember the movie,Shallow Hal)? Or maybe because I am more muscular than him? (..mmm.. let me think about this for a moment..I'm not really muscular but I'm not slim either). Probably because, I don't wear make-up or wear clothes that borders on being nude? Or is it because I don't have a plunging neckline to show off but only a bulging tummy like Pooh? I could list all the probable reasons why I am still single but only one thing will hold true for me, its because I like being single, period. For the most part, it is by choice( Hopefully). And fortunately, I am not pressured by my family to get hitched at all costs(?). I am in my early thirties and here in the Philippines, it is already considered by some as past the marrying age. The "know-it-all" group of individuals would brand you as someone who did not make it to the "last trip".In all my 30+ years of life, getting married has never entered my mind.( and it is for this reason, that I am viewed as 'different' from the rest of the"get married and settle down" pack). I once had a relationship and it was okay but I was not really into it. As my younger brother, bluntly pointed it out, "i was using the guy as my "key holder" ( yeah, very bad of me. last time I heard, he's married now). I am not against those people who are married or in the verge of getting married, good for them. But I just realized early on, that its not for me.
I am single because....
- I relish the feeling of just being with myself
- I take pleasure in doing what I want and whenever I want without having to consult with or ask permission from anyone
- I'm not good at compromising
- Maybe, I am selfish and I don't want to be responsible for someone else's life or emotions
- I don't want to be in situations where I have to put up appearances ( just to earn brownie points from the in-laws)
- I still have many goals to pursue
- I'm not really good at relationships ( at least with another human being)
- I don't want to go with the flow...

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