Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 happenings...

Smiles from the threshold of the year to come, 
whispering it will be happier..." 
- Alfred Lord Tennyson

With another year coming up for grabs, I think that it's only fitting to reflect on what went on in 2012. And perhaps, I can learn a thing or two from it.

As you know, I live a pretty much laid-back and ordinary life. No late-night outs and hangovers. No hang-outs with so-called friends. No dates or whatsoever. Nothing much is going on in my world. My sister always point it to me that, I'm already living the life of someone more than twice my age or  just about.

I have no complains though. I'm happy and thankful  where I'm at right now. I'm sure I did quite a few things this past year---fun things, I say. So if you're up to it, read on....

Ran in my "first" marathon. I put emphasis on the word 'first' because I think about doing another one. Go figures. :-)

I love the letter "N". After countless hours spent on the road,"driving" and two failed road tests, I finally got this. 

My sister and I dressed up for Halloween!!!

Helped decorate my first "real" Christmas tree. 

Christmas morning. I'm glad I made it to Santa's "Nice" list. :-)

White Christmas and we made a snowman too. :-)

Goodies galore. And I'm just talking about desserts here. Sometimes, I think I'm like the birds, fattening up for winter. But I'm not complaining.:-)

Get to met new friends. :-)

Then, there's my birthday. And other things I'm grateful for every day. :-)

"For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning."
-T. S. Eliot

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