Sunday, February 10, 2013

I'm biting off more than I can chew...

With my resolution to read more and as often as possible, I amassed three books ( of various subjects ) none of which, I read diligently, at present. Yes, I am slacking off with my readings. I'm too preoccupied to be bothered by it. And this is unlike of me.

Before I can fully feel guilty or have someone point a finger at me for going astray ( Okay, I just assumed this, as if anyone  care  whether I read or not ), let me share the objects of this "affliction", that at first, I thought deserve my undivided attention....

The Rainmaker ( John Grisham )
Truth is, I don't really feel bad about this because I already read this book, years ago, when I was still in school. One day, I watched the movie "Runaway Jury" on TV, then out of the blue, I just have this desire to read again my all-time favorite Grisham novel---The Rainmaker.

Well, I only get to the first few chapters. I'm not sure if I'm ever going to finish it before it will be due. Perhaps, I'll skip a few pages and get to the parts I like.

Persuasion ( Jane Austen )
"Pride and Prejudice" is the first book I've read ( and I think, will be the only one ), written by Jane Austen. After I watched the movie "The Jane Austen Book Club"  where different characters read all of Jane Austen's six books, I vowed to read them all too. I only went as far as Mansfield Park ( that is, after Pride and Prejudice ) and didn't even finish the book.

Now, I try to take a stab at it again, so I decided to borrow "Persuasion" from the library. I have yet to finish a page, let alone the first chapter. The words are printed too close and the font size used is too fine for me. Excuses, excuses....

Mastery ( Robert Greene )
I have my own copies of "The 48 Laws of Power" and "The 33 Strategies of War", I like them both. I read and treat them like they're textbooks. ( My neon-colored pen and Post-It notes are always at hand, just in case, I come across an interesting phrase or paragraphs. )

Anyway, when I learned about "Mastery", I put a request for it in the library. I had to wait, like a few months, before it came through. I try to resist the temptation to use my neon-colored pen. Although, I had one Post-It note on a certain page I like, but that's it. With this one, I need my own copy.

Enough said.

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