Sunday, February 5, 2012

What's normal, anyway?

Listen closely. :-)

I remember when I was in junior high school, we had this group activity about "crushes". Of all the topics to talk about. Since I did not fully grasp the logic behind a 'crush' at that time, I decided to make up one, just so I have something to share. When I heard my classmates said that, "If you don't have a crush, you are abnormal." I was more compelled to come up with one. At that time, when everybody wanted to fit in, I sure did not want to be labeled 'abnormal'.

Later on in life, I live my life as I see it fit. I chose to run my own race and I never realize that I set myself apart. I found myself subjected to questions. Sometimes, nasty and annoying ones.

One example, just because I don't have a "boyfriend", some ( you know who you are ) thinks I play for the other team. Seriously, I'm not going to make up one or go at great lengths to look for one. I'm past the point of worrying if I pass as 'normal' or not.

What's normal anyway?

Someone asked me once, about my 'love' life. And all I could say was  it's non-existent. Or so I thought, because I was still trying to fit in the society's notion of what a 'normal' love life is. And I realized that I'm wrong. I am in love and always has been, but not just in the romanticized and commercialized kind. I would not be here if I don't love. I would cease to exist if I don't love ( if you know what I mean ).

I didn't think myself as different until one day, someone commented that I'm autistic. Though she did not say it to my face. I was like, yeah right.

I still don't think myself as different. I'm just being me. If being myself goes against what others think is 'normal' then so be it. People always say things no matter what.

Life is too short to worry about what 'normal' people say about me. And I sure don't give a ______ if they don't like me. :-)

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." - E.E. Cummings

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