Monday, November 7, 2011

October "happenings"

"October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came-
The chestnuts, oaks, and maples
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet, 
And everything was grand, 
Miss Weather led the dancing, 
Professor Wind, the band."
- George Cooper ( October's Party )

I know I made a resolution to update my blog more often but it did not turn out that way. I find it hard to sit down and just write. Oftentimes, while I'm in the middle of something, my brain has this annoying habit of going 'bonkers' and ideas just pop out of my head ( and I don't mean that in a literal way ) By the time I decided to jot them down, they're gone.

So anyway, it's now November and it's amazing how days just seemed to sped by. Then out of nowhere, I had this thought, to come up with a short recap of what transpired last month. ( Not that it is interesting or anything. ) I just thought it would be a neat way to keep a record of what happened in the previous month. ( Hopefully, I'll keep this up. )

I had my second Thanksgiving in Nanaimo. Stayed overnight and hang out with the family. I had a great time. Stef was pretty good at mixing drinks.We played games after dinner. I had a few rounds of drinks and ate a lot of food.

When I started to learn how to knit, I got so into it that I was torn between knitting and reading. So much so, that I only read two books for this month. It usually take me less than a week to read a book but for once, while I read "Cutting for Stone", it took me two weeks to finish it and even had to stay up late one night, to beat the due date. Silly me. Anyway, I'm proud of the finish product---a scarf.

The last Sunday of October, I ran in my second half marathon for this year. I did not aim for any personal best or anything. I just want to run and enjoy the sights along the way, which was awesome, by the way.
After slogging it out for two and half hours, I got this. And a cup of coffee too. :-)
Running has become a part of my life. And it doesn't matter if I run alone or with a group ( though most of the time, I run alone.) I sign up for a race in order to run in other places and in the company of others.
Look at where running takes me. Awesome, eh?

My first Jack-o'-lantern. I wasn't even thinking about it until someone suggested that I should try and carve my very own pumpkin and so I did. At first, I thought it was a tedious task but it wasn't and I even enjoyed doing it. And of course, don't forget the treats. If you ask me, I'd go for "treat & treat" anytime. Who cares about tricks, anyway? Just saying. :-)

And now, off to the next one....

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