Friday, November 4, 2011

birthday is coming up ( now what? )

"Our prayers are answered not when we are given what we ask, but when we are challenged to be what we can be." - Morris Adler

I woke up today and realized that it's already November. And you know what that means, I suppose. ( if you don't, never mind. ) It's now time to put on my thinking cap and flex my writing muscles and come up with this year's version of "the birthday wish" list.

Two years ago, I started writing about "what I want" for my birthday. True enough, my "wish" were granted. Somewhere out there, someone read this blog. And it was really cool.

Now, as I prime myself to usher in another year of my so-so life, I'm torn between coming up with another "shameless plugging" or just forget about it. Besides, I think I'm "too old" for the usual 'me want this and that on my birthday' list. Though, one time, I had this brief chat with a nice lady, that went like this:
Nice Lady: How old are you, honey?
Me: I'm 34.
Nice Lady: Oh, you look like 12.
Okay, I really didn't know how to reply to that except smile. I had this nagging thought, either I don't really look my age or my face reflects immaturity or something. I didn't know whether to be flattered or be bothered. Anyhow, let's not go there. We're talking about my birthday here, remember.

I don't have a list ( shock yet? ) And I know, come my birthday, it will just be like any ordinary day ( I'm the only one who thinks it's special ) I have no plans of going somewhere or doing something, except probably, go out for a run ( if the weather permits. I remember it was snowing last year.) Besides, I will be working at that day, so I'll see how the day will turn out.

Okay, now wait, I changed my mind. Scrap that "I think I'm too old" line. No one is not too old to 'want' something for their birthday, especially for someone who look like 12. :-) So, here's the 2011 version of my 'shameless plugging'. Don't worry, it's not a mile long.

I enjoyed all the books in the series. Recently, I decided to read it again. So, I'm on the third one and I already put a request in the library, for the next one. It would be awesome to have my own copy so I can read it anytime I want.:-)

I can't make up my mind between the two. They all look great to me. I'm so into coffee that if I can, I'd be drinking it the whole day.

It just occur to me to start making some sort of  a record or list of all the books I've read. So far, I only come up with a list and sometimes, I don't even bother to update it. I'm thinking, a journal. Let's see.

There goes my 'list'. Now, I'm not saying, I will throw a tantrum if I don't get them. It's just a list anyway.

And now, for the serious stuff, having a another birthday is a good enough reason to be thankful for. ( Of course, it won't hurt to get the books and the mug.:-) ) I don't expect too much of anything on my birthday and for the years to come, except the following:
  • Good health for my family and friends. And for myself too. ( I have yet to run a marathon, though, I'm proud to say this, I did 'survive' in my first ultra-marathon.)
  • The means and willingness to provide for my family.
  • To always "Be satisfied. Be grateful."
  • To "don't sweat the small stuff."
  • And to be able to run for as long as I can.
There I said it, now I can go back to.....

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