Wednesday, March 3, 2010

...excited and anxious...

"How do you prepare for something you're both excited and anxious about at the same time?"

I posted this question on Twitter, a few days ago. I guess I was just thinking out loud at that time. How do you prepare indeed, for situations like this? For someone whom nothing much is happening in her life ( that's me), this is an overwhelming task.

I'm used to what I have been for the past 33 years of my life. I had my own shares of ups and downs as expected from a struggling individual, trying to make both ends meet. Sometimes, I complained for lack of zest in my life but then I always settled back, and just take it easy.

Two years ago, I did something out of the ordinary. I enrolled in a short-term course at my Aunt's urging. Of course, after having failed in my own field, what better way to licked those wounds? It's a far cry from what I studied in college but I breezed through it without so much of a hitch, except for those times when I had to go to hospitals. All in all, I survived it.

Then after more than a year of waiting, I received wonderful news. Wonderful in the sense that for once, I did not fail and I made my Aunt happy. :-)

So in four days time ( God willing), I will embark on a new journey. Something I have never done before. And that's got me both excited and anxious. I think it's exciting to be doing something new and way out of my comfort zone. On the other hand, I'm anxious for the reason that I have no idea what is in store for me out there. Will my laid-back attitude see me through? Will I be able to overcome my trepidation and fully embrace my new life in an entirely new place?

For now, I'm thinking about nothing in particular. My partially packed bags are the only semblance of my upcoming trip. Other than that, I'm still trying to go through my days like I always do. There's one thing though, I'm trying to eat all the food that I will miss.;-) No surprise there.

When I finally have the answer to my question, expect  to read it here. In the meantime, I guess I just have to take it all, one day at a time.

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