Thursday, August 12, 2010 always inevitable...

Have your reading choices changed over the years? Or pretty much stayed the same? (And yes, from childhood to adulthood we usually read different things, but some people stick to basically the same kind of book their entire lives, so…)
 A book I borrowed from the library. Finished reading it in one week.
 I can say that it has changed. When I started reading, I was content on reading short fiction stories, the plot of which I can understand at once. As the years go by, I tried to read about anything, be it fiction or nonfiction.

Now, I alternate reading from one subject matter to another, that interest me. I'm into running so I read books about running. I also read photography books.

There's just one type of books that I don't bother flipping the pages over or worse, read them. Those thin, paperback novels which has romance ( or love story ) as its main plot. Of course, no offense to anyone who reads them.


Lori said...

My preference didn't so much change, as it did...evolve. Here's My BTT

gautami tripathy said...

Except for paranormal fiction, I have always read pretty much everything. It can only get
better with time and it is...

Here is my BTT: Evolution post!