Monday, May 25, 2009

...keep walking...

my trusted companion on lonely walks ahead
The tug of war between my sensible and not-so sensible side ensues by the time my alarm gave out an annoying shrill. It's tough not to succumb to the inviting warmth of my bed, beckoning me to go back to sleep when it's still dark outside. But then, I made a commitment to myself and that is--to start exercising even if it's just a 30 minutes worth of walking and a slow jog in between, on the high school oval track. The battle is half won when I'm up and heads to the shower. Finally, when I step outside, I am good to go. Walking my way to the school, I'd take in the sights and sounds of the early morning. The street is not yet that crowded with vehicles and commuters. After a 10 minute walk, I arrived at the track then proceeded to start my warm-up then for my walk. Of course, I make it a point to bring along my MP3 player and listened to the songs I have selected for my walk, to rev me up...

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