Tuesday, January 19, 2010

...left wanting...

For someone who reads most of the time ( at least as much as possible), I guess I may be able to come up with a passable book review for all those books I've read in the past. Unfortunately, I could not write one, for the life of me, at least not in the way I want it to be.

I get so engrossed with what I'm reading that sometimes I forgot about time ( but not about food ) and it annoys me when I am disrupted from the somewhat "my own world" state.

In the later part of 2009, I was reading "Hunger Games". It was one of the book I brought home during my Christmas break. I finished reading it in just a space of five days though I would have wanted to be done with it in just one setting but since I was on "vacation" mode---there are other stuff to attend to. I only managed to read it on the sly.

I must say that the book kept me on the edge. The reviews I've read about it only fuel my all-consuming desire to keep on turning the pages, if only to share the experience of Katniss in the story. When I finally get to the last page and put down Hunger Games, I was left craving for more. The story's ending has left so much to one's imagination ( at least to anyone interested in it ).

During the second week of this month, an excellent opportunity presented itself to me. And that is the chance to read book 2 of this trilogy. "Catching Fire" was handed down to me. I was once again thrown into the tumultuous world of Katniss, along with her friends and enemies. It took me more than a week to finish the book, not for lack of steam to push on and get through with it, but just to dwell on every events that Katniss has go through, even if for a moment.

After reading "Catching Fire", I am left again with the feeling that there's something more. I'm pretty sure Katniss has a lot more on her plate now, when she learned that "there is no more District 12."

I have to wait until August to find out.

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