Sunday, January 31, 2010

...a chance pick...

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about a random book.

Go to your bookshelf and pick a random book. No cheating now, just reach out and pick one. Now tell us about it – where did you get it? Why? Was it a gift? Does it hold any special memories? Did someone recommend it to you? etc.

 As previously mentioned in one of my earlier post, I don't have a bookshelf, so I make do with whatever space that I may find suitable for my prized possessions.
Without giving it much thought ( hence, random ), I easily reached for "Have A Little Faith" by Mitch Albom. The book was contentedly sitting on my chair, while I was sprawled on my bed, watching the Grammys. ( yes, I wrote this post in between commercials during the live telecast of the Grammy Awards and I'm no multitasker ).

My choice has a lot more to do from what I learned, reading it, especially when it comes to my faith. It helped me realized that, at some point in my life, it's not bad after all, to hope for something, even if it seemed too impossible.
On the visual side, I like the book's cover design and how it was presented. I like the feel of its pages on my hands and I like it so much that I opted to stick Post-It notes instead of highlighting my favorite lines.

I read this book in one day, though not in just one setting. And I plan to read it again. Who knows, probably by that time, I will get rid of the Post-It notes and settle for my marker pen. :-)
There's nothing like a  dose of  faith, especially at these trying times.

Read on.:-)


Alayne said...

Great pick, love the post its. :) Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.

Nise' said...

I have not read this one yet. Your notes are so true.