Monday, January 25, 2010

..."please return promptly"...

Where do you keep any books borrowed from friends or the library? Do they live with your own collection, or do you keep them separate? Do you monitor them in anyway.

I am a very careful borrower of books, not that I borrow that often from anyone. And if I do borrow, I treat it in such a way that the owner has no complaints when it's time for me to return it. During high school, I used to borrow a lot of books, especially during Fridays. And I always make it sure that I'd return it on time to avoid penalties.

Nowadays, all my books are mine, some I bought and some were given to me. I prefer it when I'm reading my own copy because I can do pretty much anything to it, which is not possible if the book is borrowed, otherwise. 

1 comment:

Nise' said...

Borrowing has its pros and cons for sure. I am a careful borrower and a picky lender.