Saturday, September 19, 2009

...reading list...

I'm currently reading. Mansfield Park has to wait for now.
I will be lost in this in no time.
Books has this effect on me that can sometimes be downright peculiar for someone who's not really into reading and does not appreciate books, for that matter. I am content to stay in my corner with a book and you can pretend I'm not there.

The release of Dan Brown's new novel, The Lost Symbol, created so much hype that I can't help but be curious too. I've read his Da Vinci Code and I was captivated. Then Angels and Demons was release, followed by the movie. From my search on the Internet, I found out that there are only five novels written by Brown. That created in me a challenge to read all those books ( of course, not in one setting) Fortunately, National Bookstore has this sale of almost 70% off on the selected books, including Brown's The Lost Symbol. You can guess what happen next.

For the next few days, I will be pre-occupied with work, updating my blog and of course, reading. I purposely set my alarm early this morning so I can read the first few chapters of Angels and Demons. Yes, I am addicted. :)

save for later

long overdue from my favorite author

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