Wednesday, September 30, 2009 in a day...

Most of what I've written here is all about the mundane parts of my life. And I assure you, it's pretty boring. I rarely go outside except when there are errands that needs to be attend to. The only time I look forward to going out is during my early morning run at the track which is cool even if I end up drenched in sweat and gasping for breath.

My day usually starts long before the sun is up. Three days in a row, I intentionally get up early to read on Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol. I basked in the silence around me while I delved myself deeper into the story. It almost feels like I am actually in there. From there, when all the world around me is starting to wake up, I go to work and from time to time check my email, lose myself in the music, etc.

My work does not require my brain to work very much so I compensated for it by reading a lot and writing on my blog from time to time. To keep the wheels turning and screws squeaky-clean, so to speak.

Since I'm up and about before the crack of dawn, I impose it upon myself to sleep early. No more hanging out to watch late night movies shown on HBO, Cinemax or Star Movies.

I spend most of my days coop up inside my room. Somehow I like it. It's beginning to annoy me If I am surrounded with too much noise. My room offer me the silence I always crave except for the occasional type of music that plays in the background. I am pretty much settled in, all by myself.

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