Monday, November 9, 2009

...Baby Mama mania...

From the movie:
Kate: Being single is not an alternative lifestyle.
Rose ( Kate's mother): It is when you're 37.

When I watched the movie's trailer, I knew then that I will be in for a good laugh when I will watch the entire film. True enough, I had a good time and laugh, while watching the movie. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler make being funny so effortless.

I watched Baby Mama for like a number of times already, I lost count. I first saw it on HBO, then watched again its replay. Whenever I need a good dose of good cheer any time of the day, I watch it online. Thanks to the site my sister sent to me. It's a website where you can watch movies online for free, the downside though, sometimes the movie you chose won't play or keeps buffering.

Baby Mama does not deal with a complex plot and has no special effects to speak of. What draws me to it is just the good laugh I get after watching it, especially those scenes with Tina and Amy. They make a great team.

If you're wondering if I'm thinking of having a baby because I keep watching this movie, I hate to tell you this, you're wrong. I've been surrounded with babies while growing up. That's what you get, albeit reluctantly, for being the eldest child. I remember watching other kids my age as they played and had a good time, while I watched, not too far away, with a baby on my lap. Yes, I was a babysitter. And I made up all excuses just to get free from it.

I'm not like those people who cooed and baby-talk , when they see a cute baby. In my case, I look at a baby  with absolute detachment. Of course, my nieces and nephews are the exception. I have nothing personal against babies. Heck, I've been a baby once. So who am I to wage war against them?

I believe, having babies or children for that matter, are fine when you're really ready to become a parent, in the real sense of the word. Early on, I realized that I will never be a good parent. Sure, I doted on my nieces and nephews, but it's an entirely different scenario. Being a parent is a serious deal and you can't just opt out when the going gets rough and I'm sure, it will be rough.And I admire parents who manage to stick out.

Baby Mama did not stir up feelings of motherhood in me or sent me an up front reminder of my ticking biological clock.

I'm just after the fun and good laugh, and seeing Angie's expression, when she blurted out, "I don't know."

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