Sunday, November 29, 2009

...nothing much...

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about reading/blogging during the holidays… 

How does your reading (or your blogging) fare in the holiday months? Do you read more or less? Do you have to actively make time to read?

During the holidays, I will be going home to visit my folks. As much as I want to read, I can't seem find the time to do it. So what I'd do is just leave all my books behind. Besides there are books at home,  so anytime I feel up to reading, I can just browse over and pick one.

As for blogging, I'm usually on a break from it not because I'm busy. I don't have access to a computer when I'm home though I can go to nearby Internet cafes but it's too much hassle on my part. I will just bring along my journal and write  whatever I want to for the duration of my stay. But most of the time, I forget about writing. I will be either preoccupied with hanging out with my nieces and nephews or catching on with sleep.

Pretty boring, eh?

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