Friday, July 31, 2009

...just them...

I watched the movie entitled "Knocked Up", a couple of days ago. It was replayed for how many times already and I watched it once again. The story is simple and quite hilarious too. But what caught my attention was the song played at the end while the closing credits rolled. I liked the song and try to sing along but the only part of the lyrics I get was the word "daughter". Earlier, during lunch, it was shown again in HBO and guess what, I watched it again until the end. When I got back to my computer, I Googled the movie soundtrack then downloaded the song from Limewire. Anyway, I thought it would be nice to make another slide show of my nieces' pictures and with this song in the background. I'm a doting aunt to them in my own sometimes childish ways. I'm pretty sure they still know I'm the aunt, even if one called me "panda" and the other one imitated the "oink..oink" sound of a pig...:-)

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