Monday, July 13, 2009

...we got timed...

...highlighted names...
Soon enough, after the euphoria of finishing a road race for the first time has ebbed down, I am back to my daily rendezvous with the track early in the morning.( except for today which I can easily attribute to letting my indolent side get the best of me and put the blame on a lame excuse, which is the rain..)After the event, two Sundays ago, I began searching on the Internet for the official results. I was so eager to know my official time for that particular 5K race. For the past few days, I kept scouring the Web hoping for any hint that results might be available already. Then, just this morning, Joy forwarded me a link of the result. Awesome. I quickly go over the names on the somewhat never-ending list of participants. It took me awhile to locate my name and for a moment, I was disheartened thinking that my name was not in the list because my time did not make it to the cut-off time. A few minutes later, I found it. My official time was 46:59 which could be rounded off to exactly 47 minutes. I guess not bad for a newbie but probably, Joy and me could have done it at a lesser time if not for the bottleneck that held us up at the starting line. Anyway, what's done is done already. Still, I'm happy with my result. Say, I need to improve my time come Sunday's race...God willing...

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