Saturday, July 18, 2009

...move with air...

...running buddies...
I had pasta for dinner last night ( to fuel me up for another 5K run this morning) Before I turned in for the night, I prepared my stuff--the singlet, race number, socks, shoes, face towel, etc. When I finally lay down on the bed, it was already 10 PM. Good thing, I was able to sleep at once. No more disturbing thoughts about the race.
...will I make it?...
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I lay still for a moment, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness. Slowly, I got out of bed and switched on the light. I was still sleepy. I fought the urge to get back to bed for fear of waking up late already. I hurriedly took a shower and dressed afterward. I took a couple of gulps of my energy drink to washed down the multi-vitamin I popped into my mouth.
...before the starting gun was fired...
Fast forward to STC. We arrived at the place thirty minutes past 5 AM. We sat for awhile on an empty bench then proceeded to the starting line. People were milling around the place doing all sorts of warm-up. I stayed on a nearby hallway and did some stretches while Joy went to look for a bathroom. The race has not started yet but I was already sweating profusely. We snapped a few pictures ( for proof?). Joy walked over to her schoolmate in high school and I took their pictures. I was getting impatient since it was already 6 AM. Then minutes later, the 3K runners started running then after another 5 minutes or so, we were off. At least, we got to jog slowly as we went down then off to the streets. I raised my hat off to Joy ( my running buddy) whom had a good start. During the race proper, I had to take a lot of walk-breaks because I got cramps on my side just a few meters from the starting line. It was kind of hard to breathe properly. We managed to finish the race but our time was longer than we had at the Milo Marathon. Joy would have finished it ahead of me but she also slowed down when I stopped. It was nice of her to keep up with me. What are running buddies for..:-)
...minutes after I crossed the finish line...

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