Monday, June 22, 2009

...another walk/jog day...

I thought I won't be able to walk/jog this morning. I had only 5 hours of sleep last night and I was not really up to getting out of bed but since my alarm was already shrieking like crazy, I decided to go through it. The pavement was wet when we went outside. It was raining last night and there were still wisp of white clouds on the morning sky. I was thinking that it might rain and true enough, after a couple of laps on the track, there was a drizzle. I don't like the sound my shoes created when it made contact with the surface and worse, water managed to seep into my socks...( could this be a sign that my shoes is starting to give up on me?..hope not...) The pain on my right leg nagged me again this morning while I was jogging. I tried to jog for 1 lap at a faster pace than I usually do and by the time I got to the end, I was out of breath but it was good..:-) The 5K race is fast approaching....

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