Tuesday, June 16, 2009

...hang on...

I had the slightest feeling that it was time for me to wake up while I held on my blanket tightly around me. I took a quick look at my watch, I still have 15 minutes more of shuteye before my alarm will buzz off. I tried to fall back to sleep and I was like floating in between consciousness and semi-consciousness. Then minutes later came the "cuckoo-sound" again. I slowly pushed away my blanket and reached for the light switch. I yawned and stretched out my arms. I was not that too eager to take a shower. For the past two days, the water has been extra, extra cold but then I can't go out without a shower. Another rule of mine. So I headed for the bathroom to get it over with. As usual, I had my banana & Gatorade combo. I watched TV while I chewed on my banana and took gulps of Gatorade in between. It turned out that I will be alone for my walk/jog session this morning. Joy had to pass because she has colds and we agreed that its best for her to sleep in and rest. Lotlot, her cousin, begged off too because she was not feeling well since yesterday. So, I headed to the track alone 15 minutes earlier than usual. When I get there, I did my usual 1-lap warm-up. I then started to jog and I felt pain somewhere in my right ankle but I pushed on. I intended to jog for 4 laps again today, straight without stopping but when I was almost through the 2nd lap, the pain on my leg became unbearable that I had no choice but to stop. I walked and it felt like I was limping. I continued walking for 1 more lap then resumed to jog. Fortunately, the pain has abated, so I was able to jog for 2 more laps straight then a walk-break. I was alternating between jogging and taking walk-breaks, till it was time for me to go home.
pre-walk/jog fare
I was telling myself that I'm not pushing it hard enough but then I also realized that I'm still beginning to get used to this physical activity( running for others but in my case, jogging). My body is still adjusting to the rigors of this new-found activity so I need to proceed with care and caution. Still, nothing beats the feeling of exhilaration after every walk/jog I had. I intend to stick to this, much more now that I have set up a goal for myself. Let's see....

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